EPLS, vol. CXXI, Sotirios Varouxakis, Théorie générale, juridique et politique, des Organisations Internationales, 2019, 168 pp., ISSN: 2308-8648, ISBN: 978-618-5417-02-4
The aim of Ambassador Sotirios Varouxakis’ book “Théorie générale, juridique et politique, des Organisations Internationales” is to propose an autonomous but global and interdisciplinary examination of the institutionalization of the international society and to evaluate the operation and usefulness of the International Organizations. It thus examines the legal elements that determine their creation, their operation and their participation in international life and proposes an analysis from the political point of view, that takes into account the interplay of forces within the International Organizations and in the international context.
The study is divided into three Parts:
First, the Part on “International Organizations and Law” constitutes the Legal Theory. This Part examines from a legal point of view the creation, personality, institutional structure, operation and actions of Intergovernmental Organizations.
The Political Theory is developed in the other two Parts: The Second Part, “International Organizations and International Politics”, is devoted to the political analysis whereas the Third Part, “The International Organizations in Action”, reviews the fundamental chapters of international life, such as the contribution of International Organizations to world peace and collective security, the issue of their contribution to the international collaboration on various fields and of course the protection of Human Rights and of the Environment.
The Epilogue draws some conclusions on the influence and usefulness of International Organizations whereas some general considerations on the issue are added.
Ambassador ad h. Sotirios Varouxakis served in different posts of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in Germany, Turkey, Luxembourg, as well as the European Commission in Brussels. He has served as Ambassador in Kuweit, Qatar, Bahrein, Israel and the Netherlands. He was Ambassador-Representative at the Process of Barcelona and the Union for the Mediterranean, member of the Governing Council of the Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, and was elected Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean in Barcelona.
He is the Director of the Institute for the Mediterranean of the EPLO and Editor of the series “Mediterranean Agenda”.